Pre-Purchase FAQ
  1. Is the latest Rose and Smith eBook available in a print version?
  2. Why an eBook?
  3. Requirements: What do I need to run mathStatica and the latest eBook?
  4. Can I get it on CD or by mail?
  5. I don’t have Mathematica. Can I still use mathStatica?
  6. Is mathStatica compatible with Mathematica 11 ?
  7. Is mathStatica compatible with Mathematica 10 ?
  8. Is mathStatica compatible with Mathematica 9 ?
  9. Is mathStatica compatible with the Student version of Mathematica?
  10. What operating systems are supported?
  11. Does the old PRINTED book (2002) come with any software?
  12. I want my dept/company to pay for it!
  13. Security / privacy policy
    Installation and Passwords
  1. What should my installation look like, again?
  2. I just upgraded to Mathematica 11. Which version of mathStatica do I need?
  3. Can I install a second copy of mathStatica on my portable / home computer?
  4. Can I install mathStatica in a network environment?
    The Book: FAQ
  1. What is the edition history?
  2. How can I show the code that generated the pictures in the book?
  3. How can I get a copy of the Solution Manual for the exercises?
  4. Why is the answer in the eBook different to the answer I get?
  5. How do I enter the symbol ?
    Mathematica 11 users
  1. No known issues
    Mathematica 10 users
  1. No known issues
    Mathematica 9 users
  1. No known issues
    Mathematica 8 users
  1. No known issues
    Mathematica 7 users
  1. Wolfram palettes? What’s up?
  2. Find Selection Function? What’s up?
  3. Autoloading mathStatica under v7? What’s up?
  4. My equation numbers look funny. What’s up?
    Mathematica 6 users
  1. Can I make mathStatica autoload in v6?
    Mathematica 5 users
  1. Can I make mathStatica autoload?