How do I find my .../ Mathematica / Applications / folder?
Easy. Evaluate the following input in Mathematica on your computer, and it will show you the correct path on your computer:
ToFileName[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Applications"}]
This will return a path like:
where colinr will be replaced with your user name.
Hey - I can't find that path !?!!?
If you cannot find that path on your computer, it may be because Mac OS X is hiding your personal Library folder from you. There are two main ways to get around that:
Method 1
Evaluate in Mathematica:
SystemOpen[ToFileName[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Applications"}]]
... and you have arrived at your destination.
Method 2
Tell Mac OS X to make your personal Library folder visible.
To do this, go to your user directory in the Finder e.g.
Macintosh HD / Users / colinr /
Then, in the Finder, go to the View Menu and select "Show View Options"
A palette will appear.
Activate the option: "Show Library".
Then, navigate your way to:
Can I install anywhere else?
Yes. You can alternatively install into:
ToFileName[{$BaseDirectory, "Applications"}]
However, some new Mathematica users may not have this install option available to them. Please do not try to force it, if this is not available on your computer.
Only install into 1 location (not both).