Imagine computer software that can find expectations of arbitrary random variables, calculate variances, invert characteristic functions, perform transformations of random variables, calculate probabilities, derive order statistics, find Fisher's Information, derive symbolic (exact) maximum likelihood estimators, perform automated moment conversions, ... software that is wonderfully easy to use, and yet so powerful that it can find corrections to mainstream reference texts, and solve new problems in seconds.
This live real-time eBook uses Mathematica and the mathStatica software to bring mathematical statistics to life, with hundreds of examples, animations and illustrations ...
... an ideal companion for researchers and students in statistics, econometrics, engineering,
physics, psychometrics, economics, finance, biometrics and the social sciences, across both the pure and applied domains.
Freshly baked!

Mathematica changes and improves all the time. New versions come out with new features ... And as it changes, we update and re-build mathStatica and the eBook, not only to be just compatible, but to take advantage of the very best way of doing things ...
New users receive the very latest version of mathStatica designed for your set-up AND the latest fully up-to-date integrated live electronic book designed to be perfectly compatible with your copy of Mathematica ... all in the same single integrated package ...
Book - Edition History
- Rose and Smith (2013):
Requires Mathematica 13.2, 12, 11, 10 or 9. New fully up-to-date dynamic eBook ... seamlessly docks into your Mma installation. There is no print version.
- Rose and Smith (2011):
Designed for Mathematica 8 installation. Dynamic eBook seamlessly docks into your Mma installation. There is no print version.
- Rose and Smith (2010):
Designed for Mathematica 7 installation. There is no print version. We are now 100% electronic!
- Rose and Smith (2002):
This is the only hard-copy edition ever produced. It was printed 3 times by Springer-Verlag, and it sold out 3 times. It reached the No.1 spot on Amazon’s Top-seller book rankings in Mathematics, in Economics, and in Statistics.
- Please note: The new eBook editions include the mathStatica 2.7 Gold software. The old printed book (2002) does not include mathStatica 2.7.
Why eBooks?
- We are often asked to produce another printed edition. We would love to, but in a world of changing software, printed books are unfortunately too difficult (and too slow) to keep up-to-date. We are going all-electronic into the future.
- The new eBook solution is less expensive to produce, has zero shipping costs for our users, comes as a single integrated bundle with mathStatica, can be activated on the same day, it docks seamlessly into your copy of Mma, and it lowers the total cost for our users by about 50%!
About the authors
Colin Rose is director of the Theoretical Research Institute (Sydney). He holds a PhD from the University of Sydney. In 1998-1999, he was a Visiting Scholar at Wolfram Research, the makers of Mathematica. He has published in leading international journals on computer algebra systems and their application to statistics, economics and finance. He is an editor of the Journal of Statistical Software, and a recent guest editor of the Mathematica Journal.
Murray D. Smith is an associate professor at the University of Nottingham. He holds a first class Honours degree in Economics and a PhD from Monash University. Previous appointments include positions at the University of Sydney (1988-2008) and the University of Aberdeen (2007-2009), and an Alexander von Humboldt Reseach Fellowship at the University of Munich. His research has been published in fields including statistics, econometrics, computer algebra systems and health econometrics.